Our 20' flat rack was MIA; when we found the rack and driver he was stuck about 1/2mile down the road from Concordia, claimed the lumber was loaded incorrectly with too much weight in the back end and he was unable to make the final hill to the property. He agreed to back it down the hill to a flat lot but then left it at a steep angle on off the road. Bad for us. Not our property, and we're unable to unload this without risk of losing the load or worse, someone getting hurt. Our guys made those braces to stabilize the load.

Fortunately Lucien Sylvester of Enterprise Trucking came to save the day, driving out on a Carnival Week Holiday Friday afternoon with a stronger tractor to pull this rack to our yard so it could be unloaded.

Alex Brooks of Creative Builders arrived, 4pm on same holiday Friday, driving it himself since his crew left early on Fri and he had promised to help. He seemed to be ready to make fast work of this when...

He got stuck in the soft soil (lots of rain the past month). Took almost and hour to get him out with help from Lucien. They both stayed until almost dark to complete the job. Amazing people to work with.
Thanks to Lucien, Alex and Segundo, who put in a 12 hour day including a concrete pour. Amazing.

We end this long day with Alex's beautiful daughter, keeping busy while dad does his superhero work. Looks like she'll be ready for the Carnival parade next year.
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