click on image to enlarge
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Footings underway
click on image to enlarge
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Site work begins
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
So here we go again... Phase 2
Sustainability Features of Phase 1 Eco-Studios
Site Planning & Design
Minimal site damage during construction
Vegetation cleared on site recycled and used for down slope diversion berms
Minimal construction waste due to pre-fab panel construction
Parking area integrated into adjoining site to minimize excavation
Native plant landscaping
Buildings sited to retain maximum number of native plants in situ, transplanted when possible.
Native vegetation greenbelt retained along road way and all sides of property/building
Compost area for landscape trimmings offsite
Biological survey and rare plant inventory completed
Building Structure
High insulation due to use of:
Eco-Panels' SIPS R40 insulated walls, roofs & sub floor panels
Tyvek building wrap
HardiPlank siding
TekFoil roof insulation
Energy Star rated metal roofing
PGT Winguard windows & doors
Cork flooring
Low VOC paints and primers
Trek recycled wood and plastic deckboard
Water & Energy Conservation & Management
Energy Star rated:
Metal roofing
Insulated impact resistent windows & doors
Toto low flush toilets
Summit refrigerator/freezer
Covered deck faces south
Buildings site takes advantage of natural breezes and maximizes use of natural ventilation
Compact Fluorescent and LED lighting
Low flow shower and faucets
Solar hot water system
Aerobic wastewater plant and irrigation system
Power usage offset with 1KW Solar Grid Tie System per 4 unit pod
Light Pollution
No outward shining light fixtures on buildings or boardwalks
Supporting Local Art & Industry
Use of Maho Recycled Art:
Concrete and recycled glass countertops in kitchen and bath
Clay sconces
Clay tiles in vanity and shower walls
Fabric wall hangings
Support and promotion of local artists work displayed in units and sold in store
Property entrance sign created by local artist
Top floor units accessible for persons with moderate mobility issues
(future wheelchair accessible).
All building materials & furnishings were purchased locally unless specialty item not available or orderable thru a local supplier.
Award Winning EcoStudios!!!

The first phase of our EcoStudios has won the second Island Green Builders Award. Here are Glen, Stanley and Rob Crane from the Island Green Builders Group with our award. We received 4 stars of a possible 5. The award was made of recycled glass at our very own Maho Bay Recycled Art Center. Next phase...5 stars!!