The HardiPlank siding is taking much longer to install than we originally estimated, but it certainly is beautiful. We found the stainless steel nails were too soft to go thru the siding, they would bend each time so we're having to screw the panels in and it's quite time consuming. Just got a lead on a different nail used successfuly with very hard woods that should work with our nail gun and we'll try it out on B building.
We had hoped to be nearing completion by now but we have quite a ways to go to make it for Xmas. Today we're scheduled for an electric and plumbing inspection. If all goes well we'll close in the first building with interior walls, already cut and tacked in place temporarily, then we'll start tiling the shower stalls. Then paint, ceiling fans, cork flooring, counters and those beautiful recycled glass countertops being fabricated at Maho.
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