The HardiPlank has arrived. This is the fiber-cement siding that will add yet another layer of insulation to our Studios. A description of HardiPlank is printed here copied from the homerenovations.about.com website:
"First, what is HardiPlank made of? HardiPlank falls in the fiber-cement siding class, which means that it is a combination of cellulose fibers, along with cement-like materials." ...A Green Building Material? In this day and age when everything is about green and sustainable, HardiPlank can make a strong argument for being such. The celluose fibers that are used in HardiPlank do not come from endangered species of wood. The cement and sand used is certainly in great abundance. And no toxic materials (i.e. vinyl) are used in the production...Another oft-ignored aspect that makes HardiPlank a green building material is simply that is lasts so long. The James Hardi Corporation...warrents the material for 50 years. But conceivably, HardiPlank can last longer that that, especially if painted and properly maintained."
And, we'd add, it looks great!