It's been quite some time since our last post. Here's the catch up. Both buildings had the Tekfoil placed over the purlins then the Energy Star Rated insulated metal roof attached. We were wise enough to run the pipe for the Solar Hot Water system and conduit for for the Photovoltaic panels under the metal roof this time. click on any image to enlarge.

The CGI Windows were installed, it required quite a bit of work to build out the openings to accommodate the window sizes, a result of the Eco-Panels being built before we ordered the windows. You know those Eco-Panels guys don't mess around. They have already completed the Phase 3 panels and this time we gave them them the exact window dimensions so the next phase install should be a breeze. The smaller awning windows came with very small opening mechanisms, which the company is swapping out for us since it's critical that we have maximum airflow in the units to keep them cool. We had some problems with the PGT pocket sliders. We intended to build the pockets inside but it proved unworkable and had the potential to be a real maintenance nightmare for the resort staff keeping the tracks clean and dry inside the pockets so we moved the pockets outside. The good news is that it increased the amount of space in the units and when we recently had a visit from Sean Corsaut of Horizon Energy Systems VI of St. Croix (we hope to use some of his insulation products on our next phase) he tested the Solar Heat Gain from these windows and found them to be 80% less than clear glass. So all's well that ends well.

Since we're going with ceramic tile floors instead of the sound absorbing cork tiles (recall they didn't work for us in Phase 1 due to high humidity and wet guests) we insulated the lower unit ceilings then attached the ceiling plywood. This is A Building. B Building insulation and ply is completed.

Here's B Building with all interior walls, plumbing and electric complete so Jay is prepping the unit for painting.

Tim is completing the HardiPlank Siding install on A building. Sam completed B building a couple weeks ago. They are each amazing, working alone with just occasional assistance they're doing this install in half the time we needed on the last phase. The simplification of the building design, the use of the nail gun and experience all helping out on this one.

We're in good shape on the plumbing. All the rough-ins are complete. We insulated the lines this phase and will have a recirculating pump on the hot water system so each unit will have hot water immediately, reducing overall water usage. More on the solar hot water system when we install it next week.
Electric is complete on B Building and right in line with the carpenters on A Building.

We have a big project underway to build a track for the water lines to run the roof water to our 50, 000 gallon cistern about 500 feet from the Eco-Studios site, and potable water back up. Jabuddha has installed 4x4 posts and 2x12 lumber that will support two 4" rain water lines and one 2" potable water line. We don't trench due to the site damage it would create and since we're bridging over two freshwater gullies or ghuts.

This is Jones and Edward of Sol Carpentry preparing the baseboards.
Many thanks to Jones for all his contributions to the project. He's taking a vacation next week and we are all very jealous, and happy for him.
Click on any image to enlarge